Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Lucy Darkholm - Brainstorming

Lucy Darkholm - (Pronounce last name Dark-home)

1. Was in love with a man, on the eve of their wedding he changed her life forever, by turning her into a vampyre.
2. Lives under an old, destroyed church
3. Feeds off of human lives, usually men in relationships who had become unfaithful to their spouse. Usually she prefers the inoccent, because they do taste better.
4. She tells the corpses she has fed off of about her past life, since the dead do keep their secrets.
5. One day shes meets a young man, and even though he wasn't married, there was something about him so she decides to grab him for later
6. She starts to get to know him, and even though she doesn't know it, she falls in love.
7. Whenever she decided to feed off of him, she couldn't kill him, so she stopped and told him all about her
8. He admits to loving her, and they marry under the stars.
9. The end, not a chance! Lucy wants a non-vampyre life, and decides to find a way to become human
10. The man who had changed her life forever finds her in the woods, and tells her he loves her, and wanted her love.
11. She rejects him, so, since he is older and so a lot stronger, traps her in his basement, and leaves her to almost die of thrist. She goes through this torture, and eventually he is about to end it with a stake through her heart when her husband comes and throws the stake into the mans heart.
12. But, it was to late. Lucy lay dieing on the cold floor, and her dieing wish was to go to heaven, even after all the trecherous things she had done. But during being caught between the living and the dead, a woman comes to her and tells her that she has a choice, to become a little part of the light and not all night, or join their ranks. Her bloodlust would never leave, but she could go out during the day without turning to dust.
13. She decides to leave, and she knows that she will never truly be human.
14. Everyonce in a while she checks on her newly-married husband and his family, and protects them from any evil.

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